How to Speed Up Loading Images on a Valid AMP Blog Using CDN Staticaly

Maximize Blog Speed with CDN Staticaly / How to Speed Up Loading Images on a Valid AMP Blog Using CDN Staticaly - Speed is the most important part of a blog that must be optimized in order to provide convenience for blog visitors.

There are several ways to optimize blog speed. Starting from installing Lazyload Adsense, reducing Javascript, Installing Expires Headers, To optimizing images using lazyload image.

However there is one difficulty to optimize images using lazyload images in amp valid blogs. Where using the above tricks should use javascript, which results in the blog becoming an AMP error.

But don't worry because I will help you solve the problem of loading a heavy blog because of the image. That is by installing a CDN Staticaly image.

Cdn Staticaly serves to compress the image size to be smaller, but the image quality is still the same. In a sense the images previously hosted on bloggers become hosted on staticaly. Certainly will not make loading the blog become lemot.

How to Install / Use CDN Staticaly on Blogger Images

To use Staticaly CDN on blogger images the way is quite easy you just need to change the code https:// on each image that is inside the template with the code

For example, this blogger image code is basically.

Ketika di ubah maka akan jadi seperti ini.

How very easy is not, if it has been changed please save or save the theme.

How to speed up loading images on a valid AMP blog using Staticaly CDN is very proven effective, as I also use it on this blog. Hopefully my article is useful, do not forget to share yes!!!

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