Recommendation for Weight Loss Foods and Drinks on 2021

Recommendation for Weight Loss Foods and Drinks - For those of you who have difficulty losing weight, please check again the food and drinks you consume. Maybe you don't know the foods and drinks that can lose weight yet. 

Well, this time I will share information about foods and drinks that can lose weight. Just listen.

Beneficial Foods for Weight Loss

1. Green Leafy Vegetables

The high content of vitamins A and C in green leafy vegetables is useful to lower stress levels in the body. In addition, green leafy vegetables can destroy stubborn fat around the stomach. Vegetables that have a high fiber content include spinach and kale.

2. Cucumber

Cucumbers only have 45 calories and have a considerable amount of water content. Consuming cucumbers can help give you a longer feeling of satiety. In addition, most cucumbers contain water and sodium which can boost the immune system.

3. Potatoes

The content of complex carbohydrates in potatoes can keep us full for longer. Therefore, potatoes can be the right substitute for rice for those of you who want to diet and still consume carbohidat.

4. Egg Whites

Eggs can also be consumed when you are on a diet. But remember, only the egg whites are yaa. Do not yolk too, because the yolk contains a lot of calories and cholesterol.

5. Shrimp

Shrimp has very little caloric and meat content. There are only eight calories in one shrimp. So eating shrimp can help you lose weight.

6. Cabbage

Cabbage is rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C, making it good for boosting the strength of the immune system. Cabbage is also good for losing weight quickly. But, it is good that cabbage is not consumed too much to prevent gas production in the stomach from increasing.

7. Tomatoes

Tomatoes also have very little caloric levels. So, tomatoes are good to consume when you are on a diet and will certainly help you lose weight.

8. Spicy Chili Sauce

Chili peppers that are processed into spicy sambal can help our body to quickly thin. Instead of tomato sauce, sambal from spicy fresh chili is more effective to help lose weight.

9. Shallots

Shallots have a good fiber content. In addition, shallots can also strengthen bones, prevent cancer and heart disease. As usual, shallots can be used as a complementary seasoning for cooking.

10. Radish

Radish has a fairly high content of vitamin C. In addition, the alkaline content in radish can regulate the pH level in the body. Thus, eating radish regularly can help to lose weight.

11. Celery

In addition to cucumbers, vegetables that contain a lot of water are celery. The fiber content in celery is also quite high. So consuming celery can help to lose weight.

12. Broccoli

Broccoli also has the benefit of losing weight. Broccoli has a high nutrient content. In addition, broccoli has antioxidant content that can maintain the body's fitness and prevent cancer.

13. Cherries

Cherries contain only 50 calories. In addition, cherries have a nutrient content that can boost immunity. Thus, cherries are a good fruit consumed while dieting.

14. Asparagus

Asparagus has benefits to maintain the health of the digestive system. Thus, weight can be well controlled.

15. Raspberry

Raspberries are fruits that contain few calories, only about 31 percent of sugar. Thus, raspberries can lose weight and are suitable for consumption when going on a diet.

Useful Drinks for Weight Loss

1. Water

Fresh water is like a thousand benefits of water and becomes the healthiest drink. Water can also help control and lose weight. Drinking one glass of water before meals can help fewer calories enter the body.

2. Green Tea

One of the benefits of green tea is that it helps the weight loss process naturally. The high content of catechins in green tea is able to help lose weight. Catechins are a type of antioxidant that can increase the metabolism of the body and fat burning.

3. Ginger Water

In addition to warming the body, ginger water can also help lose weight. Consuming ginger water can make the body feel full for longer. Ginger also has gingerol content that can control weight and maintain digestive health.

4. Vegetable Juice

The high content of antioxidants and vitamins from vegetables can maintain digestive health to aid weight loss. Various types of vegetables can be processed into fresh juices. Some of them are like cucumbers, carrots, and tomatoes.

Thus reviews about foods and drinks that can lose weight. If you are interested, you can immediately try eating a variety of foods and drinks. 

Of course, it is necessary to exercise regularly and rest enough so that weight loss can be maximized. Hope this article is useful. And don't forget to be happy.

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